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Spinal cord decompression sickness: A case history
  1. Surgeon Lieutenant D. N. Jones, MB ChB RN,
  2. Surgeon Commander A. J. Hirst, MB ChB JP RN and
  3. Surgeon Lieutenant Commander N. B. Mizrahi, MB BS DRCOG RNR


The case is presented of a 17 year old commercial diver who developed symptoms and signs of decompression sickness after diving to 42 metres in a caisson. The treatment programme based on telephone communication with the Institute of Naval Medicine at Alverstoke is reviewed. A number of therapeutic Tables were used and of particular interest is the application of a modified Table 62 (extended) whereby the patient was brought from nine metres to the surface over a three hour period on three occasions. It was of concern to the authors that the condition of the patient twice deteriorated after treatment. The treatment was stopped after no further improvement was noted on two successive days. On review one month after discharge the diver had made a full functional recovery and was totally independent.

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