Table of contents
January 1942 - Volume 28 - 1
- Editorial (1 January, 1942)
- War Burns (1 January, 1942)
- Chronic Meningococcal Bacteræmia (1 January, 1942)
- Angina Pectoris (1 January, 1942)
- The Treatment of Some Common Dermatoses (1 January, 1942)
- Psychiatry: An Advertisement (1 January, 1942)
- Novocain Injections for Myalgia (1 January, 1942)
Clinical Notes
- Preparation of Human Serum for Therapeutic Purposes (1 January, 1942)
- The Preparation of Desiccated Plasma (1 January, 1942)
- A Rare Congenital Abnormality (1 January, 1942)
- An Improvised Anæsthetic Apparatus (1 January, 1942)
- An Atypical Case of Friedreich’s Ataxia (1 January, 1942)
- A Case of Tuberculosis of the Nose (1 January, 1942)
- A Stab Wound of the Femoral Artery (1 January, 1942)
- A Case of Complete Ophthalmoplegia Externa (1 January, 1942)
- A Note on a First-Aid Bag for Emergency use Afloat (1 January, 1942)
- Appendicectomy in a Destroyer at Sea (1 January, 1942)
- A Textbook of the Practice of Medicine (1 January, 1942)
- The Injured Back and its Treatment (1 January, 1942)
- Diseases of the Nervous System (1 January, 1942)
- Common Skin Diseases (1 January, 1942)
- Disease of the Nose, Throat and Bad (1 January, 1942)
- Training and Efficiency (1 January, 1942)
- First Aid to the Injured and Sick (1 January, 1942)
- Catechism Series : Surgery (1 January, 1942)
- Actinotherapy Technique (1 January, 1942)
- The Admiral’s a Spy (1 January, 1942)
News of the Service
- News of the Service (1 January, 1942)
- Preparations (1 January, 1942)